My educational statement of Philosophy

I believe that the aim of a teacher, independently of which subject he or she teaches, is to educate students, knowing that each one of them has distinctive and unique characteristics.The creation of a mutual commitment between students and teachers, working on a daily basis in the teaching and learning process (process-oriented). analyzing students' needs and capabilities, involving them in the decision about objectives, content of program (student centered approach) is essential for the development of students’ values, their linguistic abilities, their critical thinking, etc., so they can have a more prosperous future and behold a better world.

Language education allows students to have a better understanding of other people’s thoughts, feelings and cultures. It generates a greater capacity of comprehension of different realities, tolerance and respect for the human being as well as a better knowledge of the world.

As a teacher of languages with a good knowledge of different methodologies that can be applied in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language, I ought to highlight that the approach I believe the task-based approach is the one that allows students to develop autonomy, creativity, learning to learn, take initiative, seek solutions and select the strategies that better fit a specific task.

Researches have shown that it is not only enough to know, but to know how to do, and for that, tasks are perfect. The goal of learning through experience, in which the task-based approach is based on, is the personal growth of the student; in such way, the student’s independence and responsibility on his or her own learning is increased. This process implies fostering the contribution of knowledge and experience that the student has.

I believe that learning a foreign language and being part of the learning process -"Learning by doing" contribute to form cultures, sensible and responsible people who are able to create knowledge and live in a better society.

Mónica Monzón
Master in Spanish as a Foreign Language